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F ইউনিট : 2016-2017 || রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2016


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Not at all
Whole hearted
How beautiful the flower is
Be quite and listen to my words
do ou go the club
I go to school every day
O jave a few friends
I have no friends
I have few friends
I have little friends
Book written by famous writer
valucless person lost book
loss book
A house is going to build by him
a house is being gone to build by him
a house is going to be built by him
a house is being gone built by hmi
personal pronoun
Relative pronoun
Indefinite pronoun
Reciprocal pronoun
I fell comparaive better today
I fell compratively well today
I fell comparavively best today
I fell comparatively nicer today
to take revenge
matter of shame
complete knowledge
none of adverbv
covered along
covered by
covered with
covered upon
The bird has killed mistakenly by him
the bird has been killed by him mistakenly
the bird was killed by him mistakenly
the bird has beaing killed by mistakenly
পরিত্যাগ করা
হস্তান্তর করা
নির্গত করা
সম্পন্ন করা